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- Short: GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pegase, Mpega, MP3Enc
- Author: Daniel Westerberg (deniil@algonet.se)
- Uploader: Daniel Westerberg (deniil@algonet.se)
- Version: 2.10
- Type: mus/misc
- This is a Graphical User Interface - GUI (MUI) that you can use to simplify
- your work when you're encoding Mpeg Audio (MP3) with some of the most
- popular CLI-based Mpega Audio encoders on the Amiga!
- You can easily create a filelist and then execute it to encode alot
- of file over the night or so!
- The ID3-tagging is superb when you are using a list!
- You can set individual ID3-tags for every file, or the same tag with
- f.ex only Title differing for a whole bunch of files!
- There are also some "intelligent" string extracting feature to use
- when setting ID3-tags :-)
- The GUI can be totally, or partly hidden (only showing progress)
- when encoding!
- News, Features and History:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * NEW * Frequency cycle gadget for Lame gave wrong values.
- * NEW * It has always been impossible to copy text with RAmiga+c in
- the string gadgets. I now found the problem: The hotkey was
- already used for closing the console output. How stupid.
- This has now been fixed and the output has hotkey 'l'.
- * NEW * It was impossible to use the extra ID3-options for Lame when
- one was using a list. Fixed.
- * NEW * Added an options to allow long (256 chars) ID3 tag lines as
- Lame can make use of such when writing ID3v2 tags. See the
- preferences for how to enable long ID3 tags.
- TheMPegEncGUI itself can not read or write ID3v2 tags though.
- * NEW * Made a few other fixes here and there..
- v2.09
- ** Made a new page with settings for Lame.
- v2.08
- * Added a settable delay between the encoding of files in the
- list to let the filesystem save it's directory structure to
- prevent eventual loss of finished mp3's in case of a crash.
- * Added some modes for Lame.
- v2.07
- * Added some options for BladeEnc.
- * Moved the encoder paths to the Prefs making the main
- window a bit smaller.
- * A few other smaller changes and fixes.
- v2.06
- * The sliders concerning the VBR thing for Lame now each
- have thier own activation checkmark. Appearently some
- of the settings didn't work together..
- * The "Use ID3 tag" switch on the Mpega page was irrelevant
- and therefor cause some confusion in the program so I have
- now removed it.
- v2.05
- * Added the DELETE option for Pegase!
- * Now TheMPegEncGUI asks you to change the extensions of the
- files in the list if you switch between the Mpega page and
- some encoder page.
- * I've added some new options for Lame.
- * The filepattern was not allways remembers and saved as it
- was supposed to.
- * Fixed a bug which caused Lame to never write the ID3-track no.
- * The requesters, including the file-requesters, will now always
- open on the same screen TheMPegEncGUI is opened on.
- To make the console open on that same screen too you can add
- /SCREEN PUBSCREENNAME to the end of the Text Output string.
- v2.04
- * Added a few simplifying menu-options that you can use when
- setting ID3-tags to your files, wether it will be previously
- encoded files or not.
- * Fixed a bug with a failure that was never reported if
- an ID3-tag could not be set.
- * Fixed a bug with the bitrate settings that was saved
- but not used.
- * Fixed a bug with the Output format settings for Mpega that
- was saved but not used.
- * If you change the Pattern-field in the file-requester, it will
- now be remembered and saved if you save settings!
- * Fixed a bug which made it impossible to save a list with
- ID3-tags with an unknown genre.
- v2.03
- * Now TheMPegEncGUI is a full featured ID3-tag editor!
- You can now set/edit the ID3-tag of allready encoded files.
- Just flip to the Mpega page and select an input file or
- go to the list and add files. The tagging is done the same
- way as before but with the difference that you don't need
- to encode the files to set the tag!
- * Fixed alot of small bugs with the list and the ID3-tagging.
- I can't believe some of the bugs that slipped through!
- * Now using BetterString.mcc in most stringgadgets!
- v2.02
- * If TheMPegEncGUI always crashed for you it should not do
- so anymore! It was a stack problem. I doubled the stack for
- the sub-process and it worked so I trippled it in this final
- release just for safety!
- * Now you can set ID3-tags individually for every file, or
- you can set one tag for a group of files and use the filename
- as ID3-Title!
- * The progress time report has been improved alot (again) and
- now the time is calculated immediately when you add files
- to the list wether an encoding process is running or not!
- The time factor (encode/play) is also saved when you save
- prefs so that time estimates will be more accurate the next
- time you encode!
- * You can save the list with ID3-tags in textformat and
- maybe edit the file by hand and then reload it!
- * The ID3-genres is now sorted :)
- * Now ID3-tags can be set no matter what encoder you use!
- If you use an encoder that doesn't support ID3-tagging
- TheMPegEncGUI will do the tagging itself!
- * A little bug fixing here and there..
- v2.01
- * The progress time report has been rewritten and now works
- quite well I must say!
- * You can now choose what flag(s) you you would like to
- use when sending break to an encoder.
- Before it was just Ctrl-C.
- * Now the application get properly iconified if you close
- every window, before the windows was just hidden!
- * Included a 147 items long genre list for the encoders that
- support ID3-tagging!
- * TheMPegEncGUI has been tested with the latest Lame v3.70.
- v2.0
- * Now TheMPegEncGUI is finally in MUI!
- Please give me your suggestions on improvements of the
- layout of this new GUI.
- * The encoders are now executed completely asynchronus
- and can therefor be interrupted anytime by pressing
- a button in the GUI!
- * Added a few more options of LAME v3.63 ßeta.
- v1.53
- * TheMPegEncGUI became key-mail ware.
- * Fixed a bug which cause files to be deleted after they
- where played by Mpega!
- * Lame commandline was incomplete! Fixed.
- * Fixed alot of other bug. (I haven't had the time to do extensive
- bugtesting for like 8 month!)
- * Added two "undocumented" switches for Lame.
- * Colours added to the date/time info that is written to the
- output when encoding.
- v1.52
- * The opened/closed state of the console is saved.
- * Fixed the bug with the config which made mostly
- Pegase and BladeEnc to get the wrong settings!
- v1.51
- * Now you can use the ID3 TAG settings when encoding
- with Lame (v3.50)!
- v1.50
- * Now supporting BladeEnc!
- * You can open and close the output (console) manually if you want!
- * I have made a little "process manager" to use when
- breaking an encoder or something! (If someone knows
- how to extract the name out of a CLI process I would
- be glad to hear..!)
- * Actual parameters is shown in the GUI!
- * It doesn't specifies default values unless you want it to!
- * Ncode is now supported!
- * Lame(r) 3 supported!
- * You can have the files saved in the same drawer
- they came from when using the list, instead of having
- all files end up in the same drawer!
- * You can set the stacksizes of the encoders!
- * You can select many files in a list and
- encode them in one stroke!
- * You can have the source-file(s) deleted if you want!
- * You can have date and time written in the output to be
- able to see how long time the file(s) took to compress!
- * You can select output, to send it to KingCON och to a file..!
- * You can print the commandlines to the encoder if you want
- to compress your files without the GUI!
- Currently supported encoders:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * MusicIn - (68k and PowerUP)
- http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/dirs/aminet/mus/misc/MusicIn.lha
- * Pegase - (68k, WarpOS)
- http://perso.pacwan.fr/kakace/pegase/
- * Ncode - (68k, PowerUP and WarpOS)
- http://studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/NcodePPC.lzx
- http://studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/NcodeWOS.lzx
- http://studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/Ncode68K.lzx
- * Lame - (68k, PowerUP and WarpOS)
- http://csc.smsu.edu/~strauser/archives/LAMEbin.lzx
- * BladeEnc - (68k, PowerUP)
- http://csc.smsu.edu/~strauser/audio.html
- * MP3Enc - (68k)
- http://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/mus/misc/mp3enc.lha
- Currently supported decoder:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * Mpega - (68k, PowerUP, WarpOS)
- http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/dirs/aminet/mus/play/mpega.lha
- http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/dirs/aminet/util/libs/mpega-WarpUP.lha
- What systems these encoders actually work with am I not quite sure of,
- so don't be alarmed if it says (above) that an encoder doesn't work
- on a particular system (PowerUP, WarpOS..), cause it might, or might
- not..!
- There might also be other ports of some encoders that this program
- is not fully compatible with!
- If anyone would come up with some other encoder I don't know about
- and you want a GUI for it, just tell me where to get it and it
- might end up in TheMPegEncGUI v2.1 :-)
- Registration:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- TheMPegEncGUI is Key-mail Ware which means that you have
- to send me an e-mail with your name to get a key-file so
- you can get rid of all annoying requesters and text! :-)
- It's absolutely free, I just want to know how many cool
- users I've got :-)
- Please use the Easy register that pops up when you start the
- program. You can also reach it from the Project menu in the
- program.
- Your name will ofcource not be used for anything else
- than to create your personal keyfile which will be sent
- back to you ASAP.
- - And don't forget your NAME! Otherwise I can't generate a keyfile!
- NOTE: If you have problem to get TheMPegEncGUI started, it's probably
- because it can't fit on your screen :-(
- It's virually impossible to get all Lame and Mpega settings to
- fit in 640*200 or similar.
- But if you can set smaller checkmark images in you default MUI
- it might help.
- --
- Other programs by Deniil 715! can be found on OnyxSoft homepage at:
- http://www.onyxsoft.nu/
- Feel free to mail me if you found bugs or have suggestions!